Whale Watching

Price: Whale watching price: We have a four hour minimum of $475 per hour and a maximum amount of six passengers

What you might see: Our Private Whale Watching and Dolphin cruises have the opportunity to see a variety of marine animals including giant Blue Whales, Grey Whales, Finback Whales, Minke Whales, Humpback Whales, Several species of dolphin, seals, sea lions, a variety of marine birds, and much more

Why choose us?

We only take out small groups of people with a maximum of 6 passengers which means our never has a crowd.  Our boat is the fastest 6 pack charter boat in Southern California with excess speeds of 50 mph, which means we can cover more ground than other boats in a shorter amount of time giving our passengers greater odds of finding marine life. Our boat has seating for everyone with a 360-degree viewing area and has a unique low-to- water design which means our passengers can get almost close enough to touch marine life. Our boat also has a indoor bed that can fit two people and a full bathroom.